import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, CardTitle } from '@/components/ui/card'; import { ChevronRight, Check, AlertCircle } from 'lucide-react'; const BusinessJourneyDiagnostic = () => { const [currentStage, setCurrentStage] = useState(null); const [answers, setAnswers] = useState({}); const stages = { gettingStarted: { title: "Getting Started (~$200K-$1M)", questions: [ { id: "financialSetup", text: "How confident are you in your current financial setup?", options: [ "Very uncertain - not sure if it's set up correctly", "Somewhat uncertain - basic setup but need validation", "Fairly confident - just need some tweaks", ] }, { id: "profitability", text: "How clear is your understanding of your profitability?", options: [ "Can't tell if I'm actually making money", "Know roughly but not confident in the numbers", "Clear understanding but want to improve", ] }, { id: "planning", text: "What's your approach to financial planning?", options: [ "Reactive - dealing with things as they come up", "Basic planning but need more structure", "Have a plan but need help executing", ] } ] }, findingFeet: { title: "Finding Your Feet ($1M-$3M)", questions: [ { id: "operations", text: "How are you managing day-to-day financial operations?", options: [ "Struggling to keep up with everything", "Managing but it's taking too much time", "Systems in place but need optimization", ] }, { id: "hiring", text: "How do you make hiring decisions?", options: [ "Based on gut feel when we're too busy", "Look at bank balance and hope for the best", "Have some metrics but need more confidence", ] }, { id: "cashFlow", text: "How would you describe your cash flow management?", options: [ "Feels like a rollercoaster - very unpredictable", "Stable but causes stress and uncertainty", "Generally good but want better forecasting", ] } ] }, growingStrong: { title: "Growing Strong ($3M-$5M)", questions: [ { id: "strategy", text: "How strategic is your approach to financial management?", options: [ "Mostly tactical - focused on day-to-day", "Mix of tactical and strategic - want more strategy", "Strategic but need help with execution", ] }, { id: "opportunities", text: "How do you identify and evaluate business opportunities?", options: [ "Mostly reactive to what comes up", "Look for opportunities but unsure how to evaluate", "Have a process but want to improve", ] }, { id: "profitGrowth", text: "What's your approach to increasing profits?", options: [ "Focus on revenue, hope profit follows", "Try to control costs but no clear strategy", "Have targets but need help reaching them", ] } ] }, buildingLegacy: { title: "Building Your Legacy ($5M+)", questions: [ { id: "futureVision", text: "How clear is your vision for the future of your business?", options: [ "Not sure what options are available", "Have ideas but need help evaluating them", "Clear vision but need help executing", ] }, { id: "advisors", text: "How well coordinated is your advisory team?", options: [ "Don't have a full team of advisors yet", "Have advisors but they don't work together", "Team in place but need better coordination", ] }, { id: "succession", text: "How developed is your succession/exit strategy?", options: [ "Haven't started planning yet", "Beginning to think about it", "Have a plan but need help refining it", ] } ] } }; const handleStageSelect = (stage) => { setCurrentStage(stage); setAnswers({}); }; const handleAnswer = (questionId, answer) => { setAnswers(prev => ({ ...prev, [questionId]: answer })); }; const getRecommendation = () => { if (!currentStage || Object.keys(answers).length < stages[currentStage].questions.length) { return null; } // Count how many of each answer position was selected const answerCounts = Object.values(answers).reduce((acc, val) => { const index = val; acc[index] = (acc[index] || 0) + 1; return acc; }, {}); // Find the most common answer position const mostCommonPosition = Object.entries(answerCounts) .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])[0][0]; const recommendations = { gettingStarted: { 0: "A Sleep Better Financial Review would help establish strong foundations and give you clarity on your next steps.", 1: "Consider our Strategic Pricing Deep Dive to ensure your pricing supports sustainable growth.", 2: "A focused strategy session could help refine your existing setup and plan for growth." }, findingFeet: { 0: "Our Financial Roadmap Package would help bring structure and clarity to your operations.", 1: "Regular strategic support could help you make confident decisions about hiring and growth.", 2: "A mix of project work and advisory support would help optimize your systems." }, growingStrong: { 0: "Ongoing CFO advisory would help shift your focus from tactical to strategic.", 1: "Regular strategic support would help you evaluate opportunities and grow profits.", 2: "Our Financial Roadmap Package plus ongoing support would help execute your strategy." }, buildingLegacy: { 0: "A comprehensive advisory package would help build your team and plan your future.", 1: "Regular strategic support would help coordinate your advisors and refine your vision.", 2: "Focused project work plus ongoing support would help execute your succession plan." } }; return recommendations[currentStage][mostCommonPosition]; }; return (
Business Journey Diagnostic
{Object.entries(stages).map(([key, stage]) => ( ))}
{currentStage && (
{stages[currentStage] => (


{, index) => ( ))}
))} {getRecommendation() && ( Recommendation {getRecommendation()} )}
); }; export default BusinessJourneyDiagnostic;